रविवार, 21 जुलाई 2019

Do you need that someone?

Yes you must have to learn,
How people hurt you.
You must have to know,
How they represent,
their selves,
Not everyone is,
innocent like you.
Who can't see,the truth.
Just believing,
in a fake personality.
And get always,
ready for further wounds.
You never be able,
to overcome.
You never be able,
to heel your wound.
Still you wait,
that they are,
going to come,
To heal you,
to make you comfortable,
but is it true?
Again the same pain,
again the same pattern,
of behaviour.
Do you think,
will you be able to bear?
Yes you found,
yourself always helpless,
Because you only,
expect from them,
Who are not,
worth expecting.
They don't know,
feelings, emotions,
Love dedication or bonding,
They just live,
their life for fun.
If every enjoyment,
is with out you,
Believe, your presence,
Doesn't matter,
anywhere in their life.
Still you wait?
Still you expect?
No my dear,
it's not the way of living,
Believe in yourself
and in your personality.
You are not less,
at anyway,
But you forgot,
the value of your own.
You think that,
you can be smiling and happy...
Only when people,
makes you happy.
It means,
happiness is not the virtue,
Which originates from you.
You are asking to the people,
all the time,
That,make me happy,
make me happy.
Tell,if you are healthy enough,
You have enough,
sources of living.
You have a good voice and brain
Can't you alone,
take care of yourself?
You need someone else?
Whoes behaviour
and whoes thoughts
always clash with you?

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