सोमवार, 26 अप्रैल 2021

You like dew  Come right!

 You like dew 

Come right!

You like dew 

Come right!

In my cold morning 

Shimmering right.

Something was broken like mine,

You little hope 

Smile right.

You dew drops,

Right, if it comes in the way.

In my cold morning

Shimmering right.

Something strange 

Caravan of memories

Grows further,

But looks back!

You in the caravan of those memories

Step by my step 

Get it right!

You dew drops,

 Right, if it comes in the way.

Had something to do 

Anything else was spam 

My journey

You in those unsolicited things 

Few wants to meet

If you bring it right

You dew drops,

Right, if it comes in the way.

Of this colorful world,

In colorful views

 In changing circumstances

You same old condition 

If you bring it right

You like dew

If you come, right.

When the wind was too suffocating

When I was not even breathing

In that moment, you

Same familiar

Corrected by the scent.

You dew drops,

Right, if it comes in the way.

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