शुक्रवार, 30 अप्रैल 2021


What is the word "love"
What is its definition?
How deep is it.
 I don't know
and I don't think
anyone can define it.
Yes, so be sure to know,
is not a condition to be love
love spontaneously
physical attraction
is beyond and beauty
loving religion race creed
and age free from the shackles of
the wayward.
retainers is,
outside the bounds of words
beyond the expression,
of latent anguish.
Love resides on simplicity,
it dwells on innocence
, settles in sincerity
, spills in mercy.
Slightly naughty
little innocent.
is much more emotional
And they are very intelligent.
one can see everything
but the strange thing is
that love is blind.

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